Posted: Apr 25, 2016 10:44 AM PDT
In recent months, we can observe how our mainstream media have been promoting the implantation in the human body of the RFID chip (i.e. radio frequency identification chip) in unison:
My chip
I don't want an RFID chip *
I want to live near the cows
My naps under the olive tree,
The world needs to know
This horror, they want to 'chip' us.
We are just numbers
In a crazy world
Asleep by the newspapers, stunned by the news,
But when will we revolt?
Time to fuck up
This dehumanized world,
Which ruins men and the earth
Led by crazy people.
I want a superb life
The one that smells, rich in flavors,
Can still lose myself
Without GPS, and even be afraid of it,
A life that tastes good,
Despite your standards on the chabichou
Not even scared of you dark fools
You are not worth the blade,
Despite your capital,
Who will cut off your heads, which the people demand.
I don't want them to know
That I like such music,
Or, that I love you
That I am agnostic ...
That I tell them shit
And their Talmudic law
That they bump into Ganymede
It’s the same as biblical
Well ... they fuck us up.
I want people to leave me alone
And tell these buggers
With all my respect,
How short is their life and their victory is Pyrrhic,
It's their descendants who will pay for it,
Let them put away their flyers, swallow their rubbish
Come on guys, it's your kids you have to think about,
Leave them alone, erase this hiatus,
Think about the world you will leave to them,
I refuse yours, because I already have my chip.

* RFID (i.e. radio frequency identification chip).